

Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 697 items in 70 pages
IDStart Date TitleSubTitleTypeCredit Type
Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 697 items in 70 pages
100193511/6/2013Chief Financial Officers Meeting Virtual PDClock Hours 4
16140625/11/2021Mentor CPE Course: Virtual Course Virtual PDCPE 45
172804410/20/2022TELPAS 101 Virtual PDCPE 1
17888919/1/2023Science of Teaching Reading for All Educators Online Professional DevelopmentCPE 12
17895239/1/2023Using Pathways to Reading Comprehension to Accelerate and Differentiate Reading Instruction ( FREE ) Virtual PDCPE 0.25
17895279/1/2023Using Written Composition in Motion to Accelerate and/or Differentiate Writing Instruction (FREE) Online Professional DevelopmentCPE 0.25
180374411/2/2023TELPAS 101Overview of Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment SystemVirtual PDCPE 1
18738312/18/2024ASCENDER Class Roster (Online)Winter SubmissionOnline Professional DevelopmentClock Hours 1.5
18399026/3/2024Delegation- The Role of the School Nurse (on-demand) Online Professional DevelopmentClock Hours 2, CNE 2
18455206/18/2024Understanding the Educational Needs of Migrant Students and Out of School Youth (Online Course) Online Professional DevelopmentCPE 3
Chief Financial Officers Meeting
1001935 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Presentations and discussion of financial issues related to CFO position in regard to school distric...

Mentor CPE Course: Virtual Course
1614062 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Mentors will complete 45 hours of CPE by supporting Region 4 INSPIRE TEXAS teacher candidates who ar...

1728044 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

This course is designed to provide an overview of the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment ...

Science of Teaching Reading for All Educators
Online Professional Development

Reading is a complex activity made up of two interdependent processes. A skilled reader combines wor...

Using Pathways to Reading Comprehension to Accelerate and Differentiate Reading Instruction ( FREE )
1789523 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Pathways to Reading Comprehension outlines the developmental continuums of phonological awareness, w...

Using Written Composition in Motion to Accelerate and/or Differentiate Writing Instruction (FREE)
Online Professional Development

Producing effective written expression requires instruction in many interwoven skills. Written Compo...

1803744 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

This course is designed to provide an overview of the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment ...

ASCENDER Class Roster (Online)
Online Professional Development

This course provides ASCENDER users guidance on the set up, entry, and extraction of the Class Roste...

Delegation- The Role of the School Nurse (on-demand)
Online Professional Development

Delegation- The Role of the School Nurse is designed to empower school nurses with the knowledge and...

Understanding the Educational Needs of Migrant Students and Out of School Youth (Online Course)
Online Professional Development

Participants will be able to analyze the purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) and identify...

Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Consortium
1847363 - 08/21/2024
Virtual PD

Districts in the Region 4 TIA Consortium will partner with Region 4 to plan, prepare, and implement ...

Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Consortium
1847364 - 08/21/2024
Virtual PD

Districts in the Region 4 TIA Consortium will partner with Region 4 to plan, prepare, and implement ...

Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Consortium
1850528 - 08/21/2024
Virtual PD

Districts in the Region 4 TIA Consortium will partner with Region 4 to plan, prepare, and implement ...

STAAR Review to Go for Biology, Volume 1 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go: Biology (Volume ...

STAAR Review to Go for Biology, Volume 2 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go: Biology (Volume ...

Tutoring for Biology EOC with STAAR Review to Go
Online Professional Development

This self-paced course is designed to be used independently in conjunction with or following complet...

Microlearning: Explicitly Teaching Decoding
Online Professional Development

To read, students must blend sounds together to decode words, but often instruction in the process i...

Microlearning: Phoneme Grapheme Mapping to Support Decoding and Encoding in ALL Grade Levels
Online Professional Development

In this microlearning session you will learn the WHAT, HOW, and HOW of phoneme grapheme mapping to t...

MICROLEARNING: Delivering Phonics Instruction
Online Professional Development

Research has shown the power of phonics instruction on student’s reading growth, but many tran...

MICROLEARNING: Perfecting Your Mini-Lesson
Online Professional Development

The reading or writing mini lesson is the part of the lesson in which the teacher provides direct, f...

Microlearning Session: Preparing Students for the Extended Constructed Response and Short Constructed Response
Online Professional Development

This microlearning session clarifies the requirements and the differences between the extended const...

Developing Critical Reading Skills to Support STAAR Success in 3rd through 5th Grade (ON_DEMAND)
Online Professional Development

The new items on STAAR require students to answer and respond to text-dependent questions. Learn the...

Evidence Based Writing to Support STAAR in 3rd-8th Grade
Online Professional Development

Learn the instructional framework that lays the foundation for evidence based writing, and how to su...

Characteristics, Structure, and Craft of Argumentative Text
Online Professional Development

The third grade through high school TEKS requires students to recognize and/or analyze the character...

Making Sense of the Six Syllable Types
Online Professional Development

Six written syllable-spelling conventions are used in spelling English words. Familiarity with these...

HOW DO I FIT IT ALL IN? Organizing and Planning Literacy Instruction
Online Professional Development

Literacy is the core for all subjects, but to teach it effectively time must be allotted for the tea...

Lesson Planning Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility
Online Professional Development

Identify the six steps of planning any lesson aligned to the rigor of the standard, follows the grad...

STAAR Review to Go for Science: Grade 8, Volume 1 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go: Science Grade 8 ...

STAAR Review to Go for Science: Grade 8, Volume 2 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go: Science Grade 8 ...

The Engineering Design Process (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced, asynchronous Canvas Course, explore the engineering design process (EDP). Learn ...

STAAR Review to Go for Grade 4 Science (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go for Grade 4 Science to c...

STAAR Review to Go for Grade 5 Science, Volume 1 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go for Grade 5 Scien...

STAAR Review to Go for Grade 5 Science, Volume 2 (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced online course, participants learn how to use STAAR Review to Go for Grade 5 Scien...

Getting STEM Ready (Online PD)
Online Professional Development

Explore what having a STEM ready classroom entails. Define STEM and discuss what a STEM classroom lo...

Substitute Training 2.0
Online Professional Development

This course is designed for anyone who will be substituting in elementary and/or secondary schools. ...

Online Child Outcome Summary Process (COS Process)
1855522 - 09/01/2024
Virtual PD

This online module provides key information about the COS process, and the practices that contribute...

Guiding Voices: Navigating Ethical Supervision in Speech-Language Pathology
Online Professional Development

This three-hour, on-demand course is designed for speech-language pathologists who provide clinical ...

Strategies for Preventing Human Trafficking
Online Professional Development

This one-hour, on-demand course is designed for school-based professionals to assist in the preventi...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Digital Tools & Resources for the Innovative Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Traditional teaching methods have changed to meet the needs of 21st-century learners and to enhance ...

Digital Tools & Resources for the Innovative Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Traditional teaching methods have changed to meet the needs of 21st-century learners and to enhance ...

Best Practices for Creating, Organizing and Delivering Your Content in Canvas (Online)
Online Professional Development

Whether you are new to Canvas or looking for ways to improve your course, learn best practices for c...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Self-Care and Wellness for School Staff: Building Cultures of Wellness
Online Professional Development

Session will explore self-care and wellness strategies for educators, leaders, and staff including: ...

Blended Learning in the K12 Classroom (Online)
Online Professional Development

Participants will discover tools and strategies to incorporate blended learning components into less...

Transitioning to the New Science TEKS (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

Examine the background, rationale, and content of the new 2024-2025 science TEKS to prepare for impl...

Digital Instructional Materials (DIM)
1830193 - 09/11/2024

Digital Instructional Materials Network Meeting. This meeting will cover important information,upda...

Digital Instructional Materials (DIM)
1830200 - 09/11/2024

Digital Instructional Materials Network Meeting. This meeting will cover important information,upda...

Strategies to Support Children with Autism at Home (Online Series)
1829016 - 09/18/2024
Virtual PD

Join this parent series to learn strategies that support positive behaviors at home. Each session in...

Instructional Technology District Leadership Network
1830261 - 09/25/2024

This network will support district administrators that can include the following audience: ...

Online Course Development - Best Practices
Online Professional Development

This online course is designed to share best practices for online course develpment. Participants wi...

Solving the Puzzle: Master Scheduling for Success! (Canvas)
Online Professional Development

Investigate master scheduling options to support every learner. Engage in processes to analyze stude...

Breaking Through the Barriers: Designing Lessons to Address Learner Variability
Online Professional Development

Designing a learning experience that allows every student access and success within the curriculum...

Behavior 101 (On Demand)
Online Professional Development

Are you interested in learning about behavior theory, why students engage in certain behaviors, and ...

Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Human Trafficking
Online Professional Development

Welcome to the Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Human Trafficking course. This is a 1 hour self-pac...

Classwide PBIS On Demand
Online Professional Development

This session is intended to facilitate participants in a journey through the five evidence-based pra...

Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Human Trafficking (School Board)
Online Professional Development

Welcome to the Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Human Trafficking course. This is a 1 hour self-paced o...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830167 - 10/03/2024

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830196 - 10/03/2024

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Transitioning to the New Science TEKS (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

Examine the background, rationale, and content of the new 2024-2025 science TEKS to prepare for impl...

Region 4 RDSPD Cluster-Site Administrator Professional Learning Community
1838539 - 10/22/2024
Virtual PD

Participate in a professional learning community of Region 4 RDSPD cluster-site administrators who s...

Overview of the Emergent Bilingual High School Newcomer Guide (On-Demand)
Online Professional Development

Are you ready to enhance class scheduling services uniquely designed to support the high school newc...

Leveraging the Science of Reading for Effective Small Groups
Online Professional Development

The science of reading is transforming our reading practices, but to provide effective small group r...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
1863924 - 11/07/2024
Virtual PD

This session will guide you through the Quality and Rigor Rubric that is a TEA resource and has been...

Reading by Design Administrator Training
Online Professional Development

This training is for administrators who will be observing and evaluating teachers using the Reading ...

Leveraging the Science of Reading for Effective Small Group Instruction (K-5)
Online Professional Development

The science of reading is transforming our reading practices, but to provide effective small group r...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830727 - 11/21/2024

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830728 - 11/21/2024

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Section 504 Online Series: Eligibility
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced course, the participant will explore policies and procedures for determining Sect...

Section 504 Online Series: Accommodations
Online Professional Development

In this self-paced course, the participant will explore policies and procedures for Section 504 acco...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880755 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881036 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

T-TESS: Coaching Training For Field Supervisors of Advanced Program Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Online) training is designed for field su...

Region 4 RDSPD Literacy Practices and Curriculums (Canvas Course)
Online Professional Development

New Region 4 RDSPD teachers of the deaf will discover and distinguish the components and differences...

Gifted/Talented 30-Hour Foundational Online Course (including Depth and Complexity)
Online Professional Development

This online professional learning opportunity fulfills the 30-hour teacher requirement outlined in t...

Gifted/Talented 30-Hour Foundational Online Course (including Social and Emotional Needs)
Online Professional Development

This online professional learning opportunity fulfills the 30-hour teacher requirement outlined in t...

Nature and Needs of Gifted/Talented Students - Online
Online Professional Development

Gain a deep understanding of the benefits and challenges facing gifted students. Examine and analyze...

Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students Online
Online Professional Development

Review the definition of giftedness according to the state of Texas and understand how the Texas St...

Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted/Talented Students Online
Online Professional Development

Build a working knowledge of the intense feelings and sensitivities of the gifted student. Learn to ...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Models of Differentiated Instruction (Online)
Online Professional Development

Explore effective models of differentiated instruction in the classroom that address content, pacing...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Engaging Gifted Students by Adding Depth and Complexity Online
Online Professional Development

Understand the elements of depth and complexity from Dr. Sandra Kaplan's model. Evaluate several ...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Creative and Critical Thinking Online
Online Professional Development

Understand the components of creative and critical thinking. Learn new tools for creating challen...

Gifted/Talented District Implementation of Service Options: An Administrator’s Role - Online
Online Professional Development

Engage in activities designed to bring clarity to the definition of giftedness, the unique needs o...

A Counselor’s Guide to Supporting Gifted Students - Online
Online Professional Development

Engage in activities designed to bring clarity to the definition of giftedness, the unique needs o...

G/T Update: Tiering for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Tiering for Secondary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Learning Contracts and Agendas for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differenti...

G/T Update: Learning Contracts and Agendas for Secondary G/T Teachers – Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Menus and Choice Boards for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differenti...

The Successful Classroom
Online Professional Development

Give teachers the tools to strengthen their skills in learner-centered instruction and classroom man...

STAAR Accessibility for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments
1835732 - 01/30/2025
Virtual PD

This virtual, synchronous session, is designed to help Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments...

Lunch and Learn: Strategies to Support Students with Autism at School
1829018 - 01/30/2025
Virtual PD

Join this series to hear experts in the field share their favorite tips and strategies that support ...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829444 - 02/06/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

March to Mastery: Slam Dunk Strategies for Social Studies STAAR Prep -- Comprehensive Review Strategies
1892850 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Get your students game-ready for the Social Studies STAAR with this dynamic, self-paced webinar se...

March to Mastery: Slam Dunk Strategies for Social Studies STAAR Prep -- Explicitly Teaching Test-Taking Strategies
1892851 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Get your students game-ready for the Social Studies STAAR with this dynamic, self-paced webinar se...

March to Mastery: Slam Dunk Strategies for Social Studies STAAR Prep -- Make it Visual
1892853 - 01/01/1902
Virtual PD

Get your students game-ready for the Social Studies STAAR with this dynamic, self-paced webinar ser...

Co-teaching Academy: Differentiated and Specialized Instruction in Co-teaching
1856100 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

Co-teaching allows teaching partners to establish a peaceful and productive learning environment thr...

Curriculum Mapping in Science
1827281 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

Learn how to guide curriculum teams in the development of scope and sequence documents that inform a...

Learning that Sticks: Using Retrieval Practice in Social Studies
1834782 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

Retrieval practice is a learning strategy that focuses on getting the information out of students' h...

Teaching the Editing and Revising TEKS, Grades 2-5
1860371 - 02/11/2025
Virtual PD

This session will provide helpful instructional strategies and tools that can be readily utilized in...

Title I Campus Leadership Team Training
1838668 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

This training is explicitly for campus leaders operating a Title I, Part A schoolwide program. It i...

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Evaluation Series
1861632 - 02/11/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to review, discuss, and develop knowledge and skills related to assessment...

ASCENDER Payroll Liabilities - Online
Online Professional Development

This session is for business Ascender users responsible for reconciling and processing payment to ve...

Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Leadership Network
1877429 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

Attend this invitational leadership network meeting to receive current national, state, and/or local...

Chief Financial Officers Meeting
1889801 - 02/11/2025
Virtual PD

Presentations and discussion of financial issues related to CFO position in regard to school distric...

Emergency Management and School Safety Leadership Network Meeting
1850620 - 02/11/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school safety and health. Identify tr...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

T-PESS: Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (Online)
1875706 - 02/12/2025
Professional Development

This 1 day training is for staff from districts and charters who will be utilizing the T-PESS model ...

Check In: Caring for Yourself When You're Fine
Online Professional Development

Often, teachers are quick to say they're okay, but how are you feeling? In this session, we dive int...

Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistantt (UDCA) Training
1891768 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

House Bill (HB) 984 (79th Legislature) requires designated school personnel to be trained on diabete...

Solving the Puzzle: Master Scheduling for Success!
1829407 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

Investigate master scheduling options to support every learner. Engage in processes to analyze stude...

Books, Songs, and Fingerplays-It's Circle Time Every Day!
1832621 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

Join us as we bring Circle Time to life through the use of developmentally appropriate practices in ...

Reading by Design - Delving Deeper: Advanced Decoding and Syllable Division (VIRTUAL)
1856855 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

This training is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed Read...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students (VIRTUAL)
1863897 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students is the third of six trainin...

Phoneme Focus Wall : A Sound Wall Tool - The What, Why, and How
1880350 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

This session is for teachers, interventionists, and other educational stakeholders who want to explo...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 5 Rational Number Operations and Simplifying Expressions Make and Take
1881810 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 5 rational number operations and simplifying expressions through station...

Behavior Staff Support Program
1835172 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

The roles of a Behavior Specialist, Interventionist, Coordinator, and Coach necessitate a diverse ar...

Trauma Informed Care (Online)
1835481 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework training that involves u...

18+ Networking Meeting
1835753 - 02/13/2025
Professional Development

Collaborate with 18+ Transition Services Coordinators, Transition Specialists, teachers and job coac...

TASI- Student Assessment (Open to Districts)
1846206 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to deliver updates from the Student Assessment Division of TEA.

Specially Designed Instructional Strategies in Elementary Math Inclusive Practices Power Hour (Virtual)
1856114 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

Teachers are tasked with aligning and implementing rigorous mathematics Tier I instruction according...

DHH Itinerant Teachers' Collaborative (Online)
1851927 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

Participate in a professional learning community of Deaf Education Teachers who share a vision of en...

Opioid Overdose Education, Harm Reduction, & Naloxone Administration
1878134 - 02/13/2025
Virtual PD

Opioid Overdose Education, Harm Reduction, & Naloxone Administration Presented by: Joy P. Alonzo, ...

School Behavior Threat Assessment Teams Training
1885666 - 02/14/2025
Professional Development

School behavior threat assessment is recognized as a best practice for preventing school violence an...

Title III Responsibilities under ESSA - Virtual
1838678 - 02/14/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will review the responsibilities for Title III, Part A under ESSA. The purpose,use of...

ESC Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) Webinar Series
1841826 - 02/14/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars provided through a collaboration ...

Delegation- The Role of the School Nurse
1878138 - 02/14/2025
Professional Development

Delegation- The Role of the School Nurse is designed to empower school nurses with the knowledge and...

Targeted Strategies to Support Struggling Adolescent Readers
1875402 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

It can be challenging when a majority of the students in your classroom can't read on grade level. D...

The Science of Writing: Implementing Research-Based Methods
1877222 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Are you looking for ways to support your students in becoming confident, effective writers? Join us ...

Tier 2 Classroom Behavior Interventions
1881960 - 02/17/2025
Professional Development

This session will focus on how teachers should respond to students who are in need of an extra layer...

Boost STAAR Success: Targeted Re-Teaching for Re-Test Success
1877296 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Boost STAAR performance with data-driven small-group strategies! In this workshop, you will learn...

Empowering Young Writers: Confidence, Skills, and Creativity
1875365 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Encouraging young authors in kindergarten and first grade is essential for fostering a lifelong love...

Scaffolding Tier 1 RLA Instruction for All Elementary Learners
1877282 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Ensure every student's success by focusing on effective strategies for scaffolding Tier 1 instructio...

The Science of Writing: Implementing Research-Based Methods
1877224 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Are you looking for ways to support your students in becoming confident, effective writers? Join us ...

Targeted Strategies to Support Struggling Adolescent Readers
1875405 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

It can be challenging when a majority of the students in your classroom can't read on grade level. D...

Boost STAAR Success: Targeted Re-Teaching for Re-Test Success
1877303 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Boost STAAR performance with data-driven small-group strategies! In this workshop, you will learn...

Nurturing Young Writers: A Guide for Early Childhood Educators
1877352 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to equip early childhood educators with the knowledge and tools necessary t...

Empowering Young Writers: Confidence, Skills, and Creativity
1875367 - 02/17/2025
Virtual PD

Encouraging young authors in kindergarten and first grade is essential for fostering a lifelong love...

MTSS: Effective Progress Monitoring
1844603 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

Examine the progress monitoring measures and procedures within an MTSS framework. Participants wil...

Designing High-Quality Assessments in Science
1829083 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

Learn how to design high-quality assessments that align with the rigor of the TEKS. Examine characte...

Administration and Scoring of the CTOPP-2 & GORT-5
1838338 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

Learn to administer and score various norm-referenced instruments used in the determination of a rea...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 7: Algebraic Relationships, Proportionality, and Measurement Make and Take
1881815 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 7 algebraic relationships, proportionality, and measurement through stat...

Curriculum-Based Measurements (CBMs) for Dyslexia
1883657 - 02/18/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Dyslexia Handbook 2024, states that the required Dyslexia member of the Multi-Disciplinary...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook (VIRTUAL)
1886129 - 02/18/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook is the second of six training opportunities develope...

Title I Schoolwide Program Elements
1838670 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

This is a training for LEAs and Title I schoolwide campuses on the Schoolwide Program Elements. The...

TSDS/PEIMS Leadership Network
1850159 - 02/18/2025
Professional Development

The Leadership Network serves as a forum for providing opportunities for the customer district and c...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880760 - 02/19/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

T-TESS: Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Training
1835389 - 02/19/2025
Professional Development

This 3 day training is exclusively for those districts and charters who are participating in the 201...

1862116 - 02/19/2025
Virtual PD

Statewide training for CACFP program operators. Monthly webinars will target program specific topics...

Let's Talk: A Language Adventure
1855851 - 02/19/2025
Virtual PD

Embark on a fun-filled journey to discover effective strategies for fostering language development i...

Heartsaver CPR/AED Certification for non-medical staff
1883694 - 02/20/2025
Professional Development

American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR, AED, and First Aid is a certification course for lay resp...

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Foundation Initial Blended Course
1835217 - 02/20/2025
Professional Development

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Training is a safe, nonharmful behavior management system design...

Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS): Supports for Special Education
1844608 - 02/20/2025
Virtual PD

How does MTSS support special education? What connections does MTSS have with the implementation of ...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design
1861497 - 02/20/2025
Professional Development

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Reading by Design - Delving Deeper: Spelling and Phoneme-Grapheme Mapping (VIRTUAL)
1862231 - 02/20/2025
Virtual PD

This training is a part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed Re...

Getting Ready for Reading by Design- Introduction to Volume 0 (VIRTUAL)
1862280 - 02/20/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of Reading by Design intervention trainings. This course will introdu...

Science Speaker Series: Curriculum Topic Study (CTS)
1865255 - 02/20/2025
Professional Development

Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) is a process that helps leaders take a deep dive into standards and res...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830732 - 02/20/2025

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830733 - 02/20/2025

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

1883728 - 02/20/2025
Professional Development

This session will provide an overview of the FAFSA/TAFSA graduation requirement as well as recent F...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881037 - 02/20/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881018 - 02/20/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

MTSS Examples of Implementation
1844612 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

Understanding the essential components of MTSS is an important part of its implementation. Successf...

McKinney-Vento 101 (online)
1878832 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

Are you new to working with students and families experiencing homelessness? Do you need a refreshe...

Ensuring Positive and Productive Classrooms - Virtual
1881958 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

Although it can seem challenging, teachers play the primary role in creating an environment that is ...

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student Fair
1820000 - 02/21/2025
Professional Development

Students are invited to attend this informational event to explore resources that can help them tran...

A Blended Approach to Optimizing the Asynchronous Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (SB IEP) Process Training [VIRTUAL]
1890083 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

This session utilizes the asynchronous SB IEP Process training course in TEALearn (an interactive, o...

McKinney Vento 201 (Virtual)
1878833 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

Join us as we take a deeper dive into the McKinney Vento Act. We will review state provisions that a...

MTSS-Behavior Campus Collaborative Networking Meeting (Virtual)
1862343 - 02/21/2025
Virtual PD

Networking meetings are designed for campus teams beginning or continuing MTSS-Behavior/PBIS impleme...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1855891 - 02/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1863988 - 02/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1886354 - 02/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

IMRA Cycle 2024 Publishers Showcase
1882160 - 02/25/2025
Professional Development

Region 4's Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) Cycle 2024 Showcase is an opportunity ...

School Improvement Region 4 ESC Support
1878619 - 02/25/2025
Professional Development

Support will be provided to school leaders to ensure highest leverage strategies are used to produce...

Adapting Reading by Design (Specially Designed Instruction)-SPED (VIRTUAL)
1856853 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, providers of dyslexia instruction will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and...

Coaching Teachers Through Teaching the Editing and Revising TEKS
1860377 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

This session is geared towards Elementary ELAR instructional coaches and specialists. It will provid...

The Pillars ECSE Bilingual Students Stand On
1865034 - 02/25/2025
Professional Development

This professional development session is designed for special education teachers who work in a bilin...

Reading by Design - Delving Deeper: Morphology (VIRTUAL)
1877670 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

This training is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed Read...

Restorative Practices Tier 1 Training for Administrators (Virtual)
1891818 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

This comprehensive training, designed by the Texas Education Agency, is for administrators and educa...

Title 1, Part D Training - Virtual
1838680 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

This training is specifically intended for districts that accept Title 1, Part D funds. Statute, gu...

Migrant Education Program Requirements and Updates (Online)
1840111 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will discuss Migrant Education Program (MEP) requirements and updates as designated by ...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Learn How to Become a Principal as Instructional Leader: Information Meeting - Online
Online Professional Development

Virtually attend an INSPIRE TEXAS | Educator Certification by Region 4 Information meeting. Escape t...

Science Speaker Series: Analyzing Students’ Three-Dimensional Work Web Seminar
1878422 - 02/25/2025
Virtual PD

What counts as evidence of students' understanding of your targeted science ideas (disciplinary core...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1891522 - 02/25/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

MTSS-Behavior Tier 2 Targeted Supports Team Training
1839505 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)-Behavior Tier 2 Targeted Supports Team Training will assist s...

ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program
1862418 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
1832590 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a comprehensive 2-Day workshop designed to...

Math Small Group Activity Make and Take
1832622 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

In this session participants will explore different small group math activities that can be implemen...

Crucial Influence: Leadership Skills for Lasting Behavior Change (Virtual)
1837707 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

"One of the greatest capacities we possess is that of influencing behavior. And yet many of us strug...

Using High-Leverage Practices to Increase Academic Engagement of Diverse Learners
1848585 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

Is your classroom full of variability with diverse students who need differentiated supports? Then...

Reading by Design- Delving Deeper: Foundations of Written Composition (VIRTUAL)
1879165 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed the Rea...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 3 Connecting Representations Make and Take
1881543 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 3 representations across the four mathematical strands through station-b...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia (Virtual)
1886307 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia Foundations is the fifth of six training opportunit...

The Administrative Review Process for CACFP
1845595 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, and...

Instructure Houston Area User Group
1869606 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

An opportunity for current users of Instructure products and resources and potential users across th...

School Behavior Threat Assessment Teams Training
1885643 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

School behavior threat assessment is recognized as a best practice for preventing school violence an...

Counselor Lunch and Learn
1878825 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

Join us for an engaging and informative Counselor Lunch and Learn workshop tailored specifically for...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1830738 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

CACFP Meal Counting and Claiming
1862417 - 02/26/2025
Professional Development

This session discusses how to accurately count and claim meals for CACFP.

Phoneme Focus Wall : A Sound Wall Tool - The What, Why, and How (VIRTUAL)
1891039 - 02/26/2025
Virtual PD

This session is for teachers, interventionists, and other educational stakeholders who want to explo...

Everything DiSC Workplace: Building Better Working Relationships
1829339 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Building effective relationships within the workplace is an essential piece to improve work producti...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840565 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Circle-Up: Positive and Restorative Practices for Relationship Building and Conflict Resolution Training of Trainers (Virtual)
1831468 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

This two-day virtual training will provide a more comprehensive look at the use of circles as one o...

Improved Instruction in the Self-Contained Early Childhood Classroom For Students with Complex Access Needs
1836451 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Are you looking for ways to make your work more effective and connected to best practices and educat...

STEMulating Design Challenges in Science, Grades 9-12
1851763 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Explore ways to implement TEKS-aligned design challenges in a high school science and CTE classroom....

Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Foundations (VIRTUAL)
1863908 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Foundations is the first of six training opportunities developed to assist...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Algebra I Writing and Solving Systems of Linear Equations, Linear Inequalities, and Quadratic Functions Make and Take
1881818 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into Algebra I writing and solving systems of linear equations, linear inequalities...

Restorative Practices Tier 1 Training for Administrators (Virtual)
1891820 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

This comprehensive training, designed by the Texas Education Agency, is for administrators and educa...

Parent and Family Engagement: School-Parent Compact
1838684 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

This session covers the requirements of the School-Parent Compact. Attendees will discuss ways to ge...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
1890129 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

This session will guide you through the Quality and Rigor Rubric that is a TEA resource and has been...

Transportation Leadership Network Meeting
1855094 - 02/27/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school transportation. Identify trends ...

Principal Supervisor Leadership Network (Virtual)
1856979 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

Principal supervisors will engage in training and discussions related to continuous improvement, bui...

Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies that Work for Teaching Writing
1860221 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

Are you an educator who is not yet comfortable with teaching writing? You are not alone. The act of ...

Reading by Design Accredited Pathway Information Meeting- C-SLDS (VIRTUAL)
1862332 - 02/27/2025
Virtual PD

This informational meeting is for persons interesting in applying for the Reading by Design Accredit...

Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) Overview for Assessment Professionals and Administrators (ONLINE)
1829067 - 02/28/2025
Virtual PD

This training will review the discipline process for students with disabilities and the role of ass...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1877212 - 02/28/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Navigating National Board Certification: Component 2 Course
Online Professional Development

This self-paced, on-demand course allows candidates to examine approaches for understanding students...

March to Mastery: Slam Dunk Strategies for Social Studies STAAR Prep -- Reteaching What Didn't Stick
1892847 - 03/01/2025
Virtual PD

Get your students game-ready for the Social Studies STAAR with this dynamic, self-paced webinar seri...

March to Mastery: Slam Dunk Strategies for Social Studies STAAR Prep -- Preparing Students for Evidence-Based Responses
1892852 - 03/01/2025
Virtual PD

Get your students game-ready for the Social Studies STAAR with this dynamic, self-paced webinar se...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840116 - 03/03/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Using Literacy Connections to Develop Mathematical Concepts in Early Childhood
1856015 - 03/03/2025
Virtual PD

Spark curiosity and wonder in your classroom by using books, songs, and finger plays to bring litera...

Learning from the Numbers: Revealing Data's Full Potential
1757488 - 03/04/2025
Professional Development

Join other administrators and educators for this one-day conference focused on best practices in u...

Fostering STEM Thinking in the Classroom
1829092 - 03/04/2025
Professional Development

STEM is a way of thinking, and STEM skills promote habits of mind that prepare students for college,...

Educational Audiologist Collaboration
1838325 - 03/04/2025
Professional Development

Join this group of professionals to actively participate in an in-depth examination of educational a...

The Effective Schools Framework (ESF) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
1845326 - 03/04/2025
Professional Development

Examine ways to intentionally design learning environments to reduce barriers so all learners can ...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia (Virtual)
1865660 - 03/04/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia Foundations is the fifth of six training opportunit...

MTSS Behavior: Implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
1835884 - 03/04/2025
Virtual PD

Under the MTSS umbrella, it is essential to provide positive behavioral intervention supports as wel...

College, Career, and Military Readiness - Overview (Virtual)
1862286 - 03/04/2025
Virtual PD

This session will provide a comprehensive College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) professional de...

ASCENDER Next Year Budget Process (Online)
Online Professional Development

This session will guide Ascender uses through the process of preparing the current budget file to re...

Special Education Basics for ECSE Paraprofessionals
1835582 - 03/04/2025
Virtual PD

Paraprofessionals will gain general knowledge in the area of special education and qualifying disabi...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Reading by Design Accredited Pathway Information Meeting C-SLDI (VIRTUAL)
1862329 - 03/04/2025
Virtual PD

This informational meeting is for persons interesting in applying for the Reading by Design Accredit...

MTSS: Using Progress Monitoring Data to Inform Decision Making
1835899 - 03/05/2025
Virtual PD

How are you processing your progress monitoring data to make critical decisions about student interv...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Mastering Mastery Checks - Virtual
1861994 - 03/05/2025
Virtual PD

This course is part of a series of supplemental training for participants who have completed the Rea...

Universal Design for Learning Course 3: Design Multiple Means of Engagement
1872673 - 03/05/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an immersive in-person session of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Course 3: Desi...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 8: Algebraic Relationships and Measurement Make and Take
1881817 - 03/05/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 8 algebraic relationships and measurement through station-based activiti...

RLA Research Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) for Educators
1883656 - 03/05/2025
Professional Development

This session focuses on research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) identified by the Texas Educa...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851403 - 03/05/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

TSDS CORE Collections
1891867 - 03/05/2025
Professional Development

This training will review the data reporting requirements for TSDS Core Data Collections. It will in...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880761 - 03/06/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840100 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Taking a Deep Dive into the State Assessment
1836508 - 03/06/2025
Virtual PD

With the redesign of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), it is necessary f...

Universal Design for Learning Course 4: Design Multiple Means of Representation
1872678 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

Jon us for an immersive in-person session of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Course 4: Desig...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 6: Algebraic Relationships and Proportionality Make and Take
1881814 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 6 algebraic relationships and proportionality through station-based acti...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students (VIRTUAL)
1886148 - 03/06/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students is the third of six trainin...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee Process
1888130 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (AR...

School Nurse Leadership Network Meeting
1835787 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school health services. Identify trends...

TSDS/PEIMS - At-a-Glance
1851868 - 03/06/2025
Professional Development

PEIMS Coordinators and PEIMS Contacts will review data reporting requirements and current processes...

ASCENDER Next Year Payroll Process (Online)
Online Professional Development

This session will guide Ascender users through the process of setting up next year payroll tables fo...

Child Nutrition Annual Showcase 2025
1879172 - 03/06/2025

Join fellow child nutrition professionals at this annual event to explore important issues facing ch...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881038 - 03/06/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829456 - 03/06/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

Supporting Struggling Students in the Classroom
1829192 - 03/07/2025
Professional Development

This session will support educators in implementing and assessing both instructional supports for s...

New Testing Coordinator Support Series (Virtual)
1826829 - 03/07/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to provide support to new district or campus testing coordinators in their ...

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Refresher Blended Course
1839498 - 03/07/2025
Professional Development

Attend this refresher training to review program techniques, clarify questions on program informatio...

MTSS-Behavior Tiered Intervention Tools Ready to Use
1862400 - 03/07/2025
Virtual PD

Explore several helpful tools to campuses, districts, coaches, specialists, and teachers with this o...

Universal Design for Learning Course 5: Design Multiple Means of Action and Expression
1872681 - 03/07/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an immersive in-person session of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Course 5: Desi...

Curriculum-Based Measurements (CBMs) for Dyslexia
1883660 - 03/07/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Dyslexia Handbook 2024, states that the required Dyslexia member of the Multi-Disciplinary...

T-TESS: Coaching Training For Field Supervisors of Advanced Program Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Online) training is designed for field su...

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Leadership Network
1852414 - 03/07/2025
Professional Development

This Network supports CTE Leaders in Districts. They will be provided with an update on what's new i...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1892545 - 03/08/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

K-12 State-wide STEM Teacher Training
1833704 - 03/11/2025
Professional Development

The Texas Education Agency is rolling out a three-day state-wide professional development to prepare...

ASCENDER Next Year Prep Training - Online
Online Professional Development

This course provides instruction on preparing ASCENDER database files for the creation of the next y...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

AAC Boot Camp
1829608 - 03/12/2025
Professional Development

Learn evidenced-based practices for assessment, implementation and evaluation of effectiveness in a...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881019 - 03/12/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1890186 - 03/17/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Evidence-Based Practices for Speech-Language Pathologists
1830501 - 03/17/2025
Professional Development

Speech-Language Pathologists will learn evidence-based practices for working with students.

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1856563 - 03/17/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Calm in the Classroom: Strategies for De-escalating Student Behavior
1881205 - 03/17/2025
Professional Development

Description: This interactive professional development session is designed for K-12 educators seeki...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885589 - 03/17/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885590 - 03/17/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880769 - 03/18/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Increasing Academic Engagement Through Opportunities to Respond (Virtual)
1829699 - 03/18/2025
Virtual PD

Are you looking for ways to increase student engagement and reduce disruptions or other problem beha...

Engaging Education: Designing Work Tasks and Play Activities for Young Children with Special Needs
1832567 - 03/18/2025
Professional Development

In this make-and-take session, educators will explore effective strategies for designing structured ...

CEP - Operating & Understanding CEP and Is it Right for Me
1862567 - 03/18/2025
Professional Development

Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, originating from the Healthy, Hunger...

ASCENDER Next Year Prep Training - Online
Online Professional Development

This course provides instruction on preparing ASCENDER database files for the creation of the next y...

Title III: Bilingual/ESL Instructional Essentials for Paraprofessionals 101
1886001 - 03/18/2025
Professional Development

This session will provide participants with the opportunity to explore state program resources along...

Evaluating Co-teaching Inclusive Practices Power Hour (Virtual)
1856118 - 03/18/2025
Virtual PD

Administrators and coaches desire increased collaboration between special education and general educ...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881044 - 03/18/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Science Speaker Series: Using Phenomena to Drive Three-Dimensional Assessment Web Seminar
1878423 - 03/18/2025
Virtual PD

Our goal for student learning is to prepare students to make sense of the world around them and addr...

Effortless Excellence: Leveraging AI to Simplify Early Childhood Educator Tasks
1833169 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an engaging exploration into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transform...

Youth Mental Health First Aid-Blended
1835525 - 03/19/2025
Virtual PD

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...

The Counselor Groove: Jamming with Guidance, SEL, and Character Development - Make and Take Edition!
1859213 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

Get ready to groove to the rhythm of professional development as we dive into the world of elementar...

The Administrative Review Process for CACFP
1862420 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, and...

Academic Achievement Record (AAR) Evaluation
1881421 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

The state requires each school district to accurately and permanently maintain the Academic Achievem...

Title III: Second Language Acquisition Essentials for Paraprofessionals 101
1886020 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

Participants will take a deep dive into the components of second language acquisition, including an ...

CACFP & SFSP Procurement - Bids, Plans, RFPs, and Quotes
1863981 - 03/19/2025
Professional Development

This course provides comprehensive guidance on the procurement process for CACFP participants. It co...

Essential Action Lever Support (EALS) EOY Check-Point (Virtual)
1883723 - 03/19/2025
Virtual PD

The ESC Coach working with the district will have an end-of-year meeting with the Principal Supervis...

The Dynamic Duo of UDL and DI for Early Childhood Programs
1833168 - 03/20/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an engaging session where we explore the powerful partnership between Universal Design f...

Ensuring Positive and Productive Classrooms
1881957 - 03/20/2025
Professional Development

Although it can seem challenging, teachers play the primary role in creating an environment that is ...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee Process (VIRTUAL)
1888270 - 03/20/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: From Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (AR...

Restorative Practices Tier 1 Training for Administrators (Virtual)
1892680 - 03/20/2025
Virtual PD

This comprehensive training, designed by the Texas Education Agency, is for administrators and educa...

Overview of The Emergent Bilingual High School Newcomer Guide
1862443 - 03/20/2025
Virtual PD

Are you ready to enhance class scheduling services uniquely designed to support the high school ne...

Creating and Adapting Assistive Technology and Educational Resources
1855038 - 03/21/2025
Professional Development

Join us for our monthly Create & Adapt Makers Time in the Region 4 Adapted Materials Makerspace. T...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1855898 - 03/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1886083 - 03/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1863867 - 03/22/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Parent & Family Engagement: Annual Title I Meeting & Evaluation
1838688 - 03/24/2025
Professional Development

This training will focus on the Parent & Family Engagement in regards to PFE Program/Policy Evaluati...

HB5 Refresher & Updates
1881890 - 03/24/2025
Professional Development

This workshop is a refresher session which will allow participants the opportunity to engage in dial...

Texas School Safety Center
1850840 - 03/25/2025
Professional Development

Region 4 partners with Texas School Safety Center to host various safety-related events and training...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Getting STAARted - What You Need to Know About the Reading Language Arts STAAR Assessment
1860123 - 03/25/2025
Virtual PD

1 hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE credit....

Setting up your Behavior Classroom for Success
1835212 - 03/25/2025
Professional Development

The self-contained classroom is a place where special education teachers can accommodate individual...

Title I, Part A LEA Program Plan
1838687 - 03/25/2025
Professional Development

This training is designed to assist in the planning and review of the Local Education Agency (LEA) P...

Region 4 TIA Monthly Connect Meetings
1878831 - 03/25/2025
Virtual PD

Region 4 TIA Leads will engage in sessions tailored to their specific stages of implementation. Par...

Emergency Management and School Safety Leadership Network Meeting
1850621 - 03/25/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school safety and health. Identify tr...

Region 4 TIA Monthly Connect Meetings
1878828 - 03/25/2025
Virtual PD

Region 4 TIA Leads will engage in sessions tailored to their specific stages of implementation. Par...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1890973 - 03/25/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Special Needs Transportation Focus Group Meeting
1855087 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Attend this meeting to network with other transportation personnel whose responsibilities are in the...

School Improvement Region 4 ESC Support
1878621 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Support will be provided to school leaders to ensure highest leverage strategies are used to produce...

T-PESS: Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (Online)
1835529 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

This 1 day training is for staff from districts and charters who will be utilizing the T-PESS model ...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840113 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Reading by Design-Implementation Series: Internalization and Rehearsal Volume 3
1836582 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Dyslexia interventionists, dyslexia instructional coaches, and dyslexia leads who have completed Dys...

MTSS-Behavior Campus Improvement Through Implementation for Administrators
1860281 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Participate in this overview of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Social-Emotional-Behaviora...

Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) Overview
1838587 - 03/26/2025
Virtual PD

In Texas, a student who has failed the End-of-Course (EOC) assessment graduation requirements for no...

1862118 - 03/26/2025
Virtual PD

Statewide training for CACFP program operators. Monthly webinars will target program specific topics...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1830749 - 03/26/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

MTSS Mental Health: Social and Personal Competencies
1835889 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

Want to learn more about the impact of social and and personal competencies of students and adults w...

MTSS-Behavior Campus Improvement Through Implementation - Training of Trainers (TOT)
1860111 - 03/26/2025
Virtual PD

District trainers are invited to participate in this TOT to build campus and district administrators...

Title III, Texas Emergent Bilingual Website Overview of Educator Resources (Virtual)
1872085 - 03/26/2025
Virtual PD

Join this TXEL website overview session to learn about the resources available to support your Bilin...

Check In: Caring for Yourself When You're Fine
Online Professional Development

Often, teachers are quick to say they're okay, but how are you feeling? In this session, we dive int...

1883722 - 03/26/2025
Professional Development

This session will provide an overview of the FAFSA/TAFSA graduation requirement as well as recent F...

The Purposeful Principal and Counselor Partnership
1859202 - 03/27/2025
Professional Development

When school counselors and administrators work together, the school itself and the students reap the...

MTSS-Behavior District Leadership Team (DLT) Coordinator Training
1862331 - 03/27/2025
Virtual PD

This two-day training prepares MTSS-Behavior District Coordinators (DCs) to lead and guide their Dis...

MTSS-Behavior District Leadership Team (DLT) Development
1862410 - 03/27/2025
Professional Development

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence-based model using data...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook (VIRTUAL)
1863987 - 03/27/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook is the second of six training opportunities develope...

Adapting Reading by Design (Specially Designed Instruction)-SPED (VIRTUAL)
1874331 - 03/27/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, providers of dyslexia instruction will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and...

Math STAAR® Review Workstations, Grade 4 Numbers and Operations Make and Take
1881809 - 03/27/2025
Professional Development

Take a deep dive into grade 4 numbers and operations through station-based activities designed to ta...

Restorative Practices Tier 1 Training for Administrators (Virtual)
1892681 - 03/27/2025
Virtual PD

This comprehensive training, designed by the Texas Education Agency, is for administrators and educa...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881024 - 03/27/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

MTSS-Behavior District Advancement Initiative Networking Meeting (Virtual)
1860355 - 03/28/2025
Virtual PD

District/charter MTSS-Behavior coordinators/leaders meet quarterly to network with other districts e...

Substance Abuse Prevention
1835405 - 03/28/2025
Virtual PD

This training helps educators and the learning community to recognize and understand current trends ...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1839923 - 03/28/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1884242 - 03/29/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Playing with Switches
1829560 - 03/31/2025
Professional Development

In this session, participants will learn about the process of providing children with significant m...

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Annual Training
1845590 - 04/01/2025
Professional Development

This training is REQUIRED for all NEW Contracting Entity (CE) applicants to the Summer Food Service ...

Day of Discovery with Region 4 and Discovery Education
1862623 - 04/01/2025
Professional Development

Day of Discovery is a unique opportunity for the educator community to learn, share, and connect in ...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Getting STAARted - What You Need to Know About the Reading Language Arts STAAR Assessment
1860162 - 04/01/2025
Virtual PD

1 hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE credit....

Reading by Design - Delving Deeper: Advanced Decoding and Syllable Division (VIRTUAL)
1877094 - 04/01/2025
Virtual PD

This training is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed Read...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1839937 - 04/01/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880765 - 04/02/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Polishing Our Practice
1827889 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

This session is for participants who have been using Reading by Design for a period of time and are ...

Reading by Design Bridge Training for Dyslexia Interventionists (Virtual)
1859360 - 04/02/2025
Virtual PD

This training is for interventionists who are certified in other dyslexia intervention programs who ...

Risk Ratios Matter! Addressing Overidentification of Autism in Asian American Students
1892422 - 04/02/2025
Virtual PD

Students identified with disabilities have lower academic outcomes, decreased interaction with peers...

Digital Instructional Materials (DIM)
1830240 - 04/02/2025

Digital Instructional Materials Network Meeting. This meeting will cover important information,upda...

Digital Instructional Materials (DIM)
1830695 - 04/02/2025

Digital Instructional Materials Network Meeting. This meeting will cover important information,upda...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840097 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Educator Wellness and Trauma Informed Classroom Training
1841028 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

"Educator Wellness and Trauma-Informed Classroom" training focuses on equipping educators with st...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851404 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Evaluation Series
1861734 - 04/02/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to review, discuss, and develop knowledge and skills related to assessment...

Ethical Standards for School Counseling (Virtual)
1879034 - 04/02/2025
Virtual PD

School Counselors are often faced with situations that require sound ethical decision-making ability...

PEIMS-Are You Attendance Audit Ready?
1851896 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

Attend this online training to ensure that your district is attendance audit ready and that your dis...

Region 4 RDSPD Program Review
1889147 - 04/02/2025
Professional Development

To meet the requirements of TEC §29.313, TEA has developed a RDSPD program review process. Thi...

Phoneme Focus Wall : A Sound Wall Tool - The What, Why, and How (VIRTUAL)
1880360 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

This session is for teachers, interventionists, and other educational stakeholders who want to explo...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF) (Virtual)
1885642 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840105 - 04/03/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

Migrant Identification & Recruitment: Annual Update for Project Funded Districts (Online)
1840114 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and updates for Identification and Recruitment in...

Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Leadership Network
1842479 - 04/03/2025
Professional Development

Attend this invitational leadership network meeting to receive current national, state, and/or local...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881039 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829459 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881020 - 04/03/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

7 Steps to a Language-Rich ASL Classroom
1841350 - 04/04/2025
Professional Development

The 7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive ASL Classroom are research-based strategies designed to ...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Fun With Phonological Awareness
1860353 - 04/04/2025
Virtual PD

1 hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE credit....

Reading by Design Delving Deeper: Phonological Awareness (VIRTUAL)
1891425 - 04/04/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed the Rea...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1876967 - 04/05/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1881009 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Transportation Meeting
1881178 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

Meet with district transportation personnel to discuss various topics specific to pupil transportati...

Tailoring Books for Special Needs: Fostering Literacy for Students With Complex Needs
1832626 - 04/08/2025
Professional Development

Discover strategies for fostering emerging language and literacy skills by adapting books to meet th...

Youth Mental Health First Aid-Blended
1835527 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...

Getting Things Done & Power of Habit Series (Virtual)
1837705 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

Getting Things Done® (GTD®) teaches skills to help individuals improve focus and productivity and te...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students (VIRTUAL)
1886151 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students is the third of six trainin...

Library Media Services Leadership Network
1830288 - 04/08/2025

This network will support district administrators that can include the following audience: ...

Library Media Services Leadership Network
1830700 - 04/08/2025

This network will support district administrators that can include the following audience: ...

Title I Schoolwide Program Elements
1839413 - 04/08/2025
Professional Development

This is a training for LEAs and Title I schoolwide campuses on the Schoolwide Program Elements. The...

Emergency Management and School Safety Leadership Network Meeting
1850622 - 04/08/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school safety and health. Identify tr...

Coaching + Co-teaching = Teacher Growth (Virtual)
1856101 - 04/08/2025
Virtual PD

Many times teachers become stuck in their professional progression, and instructional leaders must b...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

TSDS CORE Collections
1851423 - 04/09/2025
Professional Development

This training will review the data reporting requirements for TSDS Core Data Collections. It will in...

1863984 - 04/09/2025
Virtual PD

SFSP LIVE is a statewide collaboration amongst the Education Service Specialists from across the 20 ...

Service Delivery Models: One Size Does NOT Fits All! (Virtual)
1856112 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

According to the law, local education agencies are required to provide special education to students...

Getting Ready for Reading by Design- Introduction to Volume 0
1863978 - 04/10/2025
Professional Development

This class is part of a series of Reading by Design intervention trainings. This course will introdu...

Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia (Virtual)
1865662 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia for Dyslexia Foundations is the sixth of of six training opport...

Assistive Technology and 3D Printing
1829539 - 04/10/2025
Professional Development

This training will promote an understanding of the benefits in creating assistive technology tools t...

Instructional Technology District Leadership Network
1830266 - 04/10/2025

This network will support district administrators that can include the following audience: ...

Instructional Technology District Leadership Network
1830703 - 04/10/2025

This network will support district administrators that can include the following audience: ...

Title II, Part A Program - Virtual
1839414 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

This training will provide guidance and assistance to LEAs on the use of funds and compliance...

Migrant Education Program Requirements and Updates (Online)
1840115 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will discuss Migrant Education Program (MEP) requirements and updates as designated by ...

The Talk Show! Mastering Critical Conversations as a School Counselor
1859200 - 04/10/2025
Professional Development

Welcome to The Talk Show, where school counselors become conversation superstars! Join us for an en...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881045 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881025 - 04/10/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

Region 4 Digital Learning Conference
1796664 - 04/11/2025

Celebrate 10 years of innovation in education at the Region 4 Digital Learning Conference (DLC) 202...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Mastering Mastery Checks - Virtual
1862003 - 04/11/2025
Virtual PD

This course is part of a series of supplemental training for participants who have completed the Rea...

Federal Program Director Meeting
1839415 - 04/11/2025
Professional Development

Comprehensive training on the Title I Part A program. Topics will include ESEA program description a...

Transportation Special Needs Summit
1876873 - 04/12/2025

Transportation Special Needs Summit

Parent & Family Engagement: Building Capacity
1839416 - 04/14/2025
Professional Development

This training will focus on building expertise in parent & family engagement. The requirements to b...

Stratonomics-K12 Master Class
1878836 - 04/14/2025
Professional Development

MOVE YOUR ORGANIZATION FROM GOOD TO GREAT! Is your organization ready to break through to the next ...

Internet Navigation using a Screen Reader
1838469 - 04/15/2025
Professional Development

Join us if you would like to learn the basics of navigating the internet using a screen reader such ...

ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program
1862397 - 04/15/2025
Virtual PD

This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...

End-of-Year Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
1818743 - 04/15/2025
Professional Development

This three-hour session provides training on the LPAC Annual Review with updated information provide...

College, Career, and Military Readiness - Overview (Virtual)
1861400 - 04/15/2025
Virtual PD

This session will provide a comprehensive College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) professional de...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1880766 - 04/16/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Learning Futures and Tech Media Meeting
1889082 - 04/16/2025
Professional Development

Join Region 4 Education Service Center and The Learning Council for a dynamic day of live-exercise p...

STEAM and Stories in Preschool
1832628 - 04/16/2025
Professional Development

Imagine if the Three Billy Goats built a tall bridge or if the Three Little Pigs reinforced their ho...

Behavior Staff Support Program (Virtual)
1841063 - 04/16/2025
Virtual PD

The roles of a Behavior Specialist, Interventionist, Coordinator, and Coach necessitate a diverse ar...

TSDS/PEIMS Data Reporting Update
1851414 - 04/16/2025
Professional Development

This training session is an extensive look at the current/upcoming school year updates to data repor...

Private Nonprofit Schools: Meeting Requirements under ESSA - Virtual
1882217 - 04/16/2025
Virtual PD

This training will review requirements for local education agencies (LEAs) to identify and serve Tit...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881040 - 04/16/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840108 - 04/17/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

End-of-Year Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC): Virtual
1818741 - 04/17/2025
Virtual PD

This session provides training on the LPAC Annual Review with updated information provided by TEA. ...

Title I Campus Leadership Team Training
1839417 - 04/17/2025
Professional Development

This training is explicitly for campus leaders operating a Title I, Part A schoolwide program. It i...

Understanding Dating Violence
1840995 - 04/17/2025
Professional Development

Understanding Dating Violence" training equips educators, parents, and students with the knowledg...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881021 - 04/17/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885591 - 04/21/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885592 - 04/21/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Accountability Before the Bell (Virtual)
1881015 - 04/22/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Reading by Design- Delving Deeper: Instructional Decision Making (VIRTUAL)
1862292 - 04/22/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed the Rea...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted Students-Part III - Depth and Complexity
1877609 - 04/22/2025
Professional Development

Identify elements of depth and complexity already embedded in the TEKS. Explore tools that can be us...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

TSDS/PEIMS - Working Session
1851415 - 04/23/2025
Professional Development

This working session provides an opportunity to receive direct support from Region 4 TSDS/PEIMS staf...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1837435 - 04/23/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Leadership Network
1829188 - 04/24/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information related to multi-tiered systems of support...

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Evaluation Series
1861737 - 04/24/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed to review, discuss, and develop knowledge and skills related to assessment...

Accountability Lunch and Learn (Virtual)
1881046 - 04/24/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability ...

Accountability After the Bell (Virtual)
1881026 - 04/24/2025
Virtual PD

The Texas Accountability System can be complex, with many interconnected components. Accountability...

Chief Financial Officers Meeting
1890107 - 04/25/2025
Virtual PD

Presentations and discussion of financial issues related to CFO position in regard to school distric...

CTE Program Administrator Training Series
1840914 - 04/25/2025
Professional Development

Explore the various responsibilities and requirements of operating a CTE program within your school ...

ESC Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) Webinar Series
1841827 - 04/25/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars provided through a collaboration ...

Creating and Adapting Assistive Technology and Educational Resources
1862650 - 04/25/2025
Professional Development

Join us for our monthly Create & Adapt Makers Time in the Region 4 Adapted Materials Makerspace. T...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1884244 - 04/26/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Circle Pre-K Foundations Training
1832624 - 04/29/2025
Professional Development

The CIRCLE Pre-K Foundations Training provides a comprehensive look at prekindergarten instruction t...

Leaving a Clear Trail 2.0: Special Education Courses, Credits, Transition, Graduation, and the Academic Achievement Record
1835240 - 04/29/2025
Professional Development

LACT 2.0 is a 2-day session that will allow participants to join in an expanded deep dive, exploring...

ICN/TDA Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership Program
1862436 - 04/29/2025
Professional Development

This multiple session program will provide an overview of school nutrition programs, define the role...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Got Info? College and Career Readiness Resources
1859208 - 04/30/2025
Professional Development

This session will allow participants the opportunity to: - explore research-based products, t...

Accountability Fusion (Virtual Event)
1883273 - 04/30/2025
Virtual PD

What is the latest in the world of accountability? Join this event to receive the most current info...

Motivating the Unmotivated: Educating Students with Challenging Behaviors
1841075 - 04/30/2025
Professional Development

Students with challenging behaviors often feel unmotivated and demonstrate a lack of interest in c...

Private Nonprofit Schools: Meeting Title VIII Requirements under ESSA - Virtual
1882219 - 04/30/2025
Virtual PD

This training will review requirements for local education agencies (LEAs) to serve staff and studen...

Orientation and Mobility Stakeholders Meeting
1835758 - 04/30/2025
Professional Development

Network with other O&M specialists. Learn the latest rules, regulations, and methods in O&M. Share i...

Navigating National Board Certification: Component 1 Course
Online Professional Development

This self-paced, on demand course provides candidates with an opportunity to gain an understanding o...

Region 4 National Board Pre-Candidacy Institute
Online Professional Development

The Region 4 National Board Pre-Candidacy Institute provides the tools to define your why, set you...

Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS): Supports for Student Success
1808422 - 05/01/2025
Virtual PD

How does MTSS address instructional supports for tiered instruction? In this session participants wi...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1827854 - 05/01/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Title IV, Part A Program - Virtual PD
1839422 - 05/01/2025
Virtual PD

This training will provide guidance, support, compliance requirements, and allowable program implem...

Science Speaker Series: Evaluating Lessons for Sensemaking Using the NSTA Sensemaking Tool Web Seminar
1878430 - 05/01/2025
Virtual PD

The NSTA Sensemaking Tool is designed to help educators be critical consumers of instructional mater...

Babies' Day Out
1846356 - 05/02/2025
Professional Development

Join us as we bring a Babies' Day Out event to Region 4. This is an event developed to help support ...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1863868 - 05/03/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Region 4 MTSS Conference
1857180 - 05/05/2025
Professional Development

Is your MTSS team dedicated to fostering the holistic development of students, encompassing academic...

State Compensatory Education: Program Update
1839419 - 05/05/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to: - examine the compliance requirem...

The Texas Education Agency's Spring Blended Learning Summit
1875312 - 05/06/2025
Professional Development

A multi-day event designed to support blended learning implementation and sustainment. The engaging ...

The Texas Education Agency's Spring Blended Learning Summit
1890855 - 05/06/2025
Professional Development

A multi-day event designed to support blended learning implementation and sustainment. The engaging ...

Solving the Puzzle: Master Scheduling for Success!
1829394 - 05/06/2025
Professional Development

Investigate master scheduling options to support every learner. Engage in processes to analyze stude...

Understanding the Crisis Intervention Cycle: Using Best Practices to Support Students During Each Phase of Escalation
1841074 - 05/06/2025
Virtual PD

Moments of crisis can happen anywhere and at any time. Sometimes, this behavior is surprising, and o...

Federal Program Director Updates - Virtual
1839420 - 05/06/2025
Virtual PD

This session is to disseminate updates to directors of federal programs as the result of new informa...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Understanding the Texas ELAR TEKS
1857221 - 05/06/2025
Virtual PD

1 hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE credit....

ASCENDER End of Year Processing (Online)
Online Professional Development

This course covers the End-of-Year Student and Grade Reporting process for Elementary and Secondary ...

Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Community of Practice (CoP)
1869688 - 05/06/2025
Virtual PD

The Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Community of Practice (CoP) provides districts with ...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Learn How to Become a Principal as Instructional Leader: Information Meeting - Online
Online Professional Development

Virtually attend an INSPIRE TEXAS | Educator Certification by Region 4 Information meeting. Escape t...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Coaching Teachers Through Forming and Progress Monitoring Small Groups
1856718 - 05/07/2025
Virtual PD

1 hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE credit....

DHH Itinerant Teachers' Collaborative (Online)
1862746 - 05/07/2025
Virtual PD

Participate in a professional learning community of Deaf Education Teachers who share a vision of en...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851405 - 05/07/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

TSDS/PEIMS - At-a-Glance
1851871 - 05/07/2025
Professional Development

PEIMS Coordinators and PEIMS Contacts will review data reporting requirements and current processes...

Integrating Engineering Design in Science Instruction
1843666 - 05/08/2025
Professional Development

Engineering practices are in the new science TEKS, but what does that look like? Examine the Enginee...

Adapting Reading by Design (Specially Designed Instruction)-SPED (VIRTUAL)
1881390 - 05/08/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, providers of dyslexia instruction will learn how to adapt content, methodology, and...

18+ Networking Meeting
1835755 - 05/08/2025
Professional Development

Collaborate with 18+ Transition Services Coordinators, Transition Specialists, teachers and job coac...

Principal Supervisor Leadership Network (Virtual)
1856982 - 05/08/2025
Virtual PD

Principal supervisors will engage in training and discussions related to continuous improvement, bui...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829461 - 05/08/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

MTSS-Behavior Campus Collaborative Networking Meeting (Virtual)
1862344 - 05/08/2025
Virtual PD

Networking meetings are designed for campus teams beginning or continuing MTSS-Behavior/PBIS impleme...

MTSS-Behavior District Advancement Initiative Networking Meeting (Virtual)
1860357 - 05/09/2025
Virtual PD

District/charter MTSS-Behavior coordinators/leaders meet quarterly to network with other districts e...

ESC Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) Webinar Series
1841831 - 05/09/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars provided through a collaboration ...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1886079 - 05/10/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Meeting Fiscal Requirements Under ESSA - Virtual
1839421 - 05/12/2025
Virtual PD

Review the latest guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) on fiscal issues under ESSA. Learn...

Youth Mental Health First Aid-Blended
1835532 - 05/13/2025
Virtual PD

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...

Beyond Warm Ups and Exit Tickets: Literacy Embedded Formative Assessment in Science
1851762 - 05/13/2025
Professional Development

Explore purposefully paired formative assessment and debrief strategies that reveal student thinking...

Elementary RLA Bite-Sized Learning: Forming and Progress Monitoring Small Groups
1860116 - 05/13/2025
Virtual PD

One (1) hour is all you need to sharpen your skills, refine your craft, and earn 60 minutes of CPE c...

Tools for Testing - Virtual
1828584 - 05/13/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: Equip yourself with the tools to help navigate the state assessment program. Th...

Migrant Identification and Recruitment Update for Non-Project Districts (Online)
1839634 - 05/13/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the process required to document identification and recruitment of migrant students in migrant...

Yes...Everyone's OK! But Who's Taking Care Of You? Self-Care For School Counselors
1859204 - 05/13/2025
Professional Development

Self-care for counselors and educators is critical for survival in the challenging, detail-oriented,...

ASCENDER Summer PEIMS Processing (Online)
Online Professional Development

This course covers the processing of TSDS PEIMS Summer collection 3 which includes; student attendan...

Emergency Management and School Safety Leadership Network Meeting
1850623 - 05/13/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school safety and health. Identify tr...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Region 4 MTSS Network Leadership Collaborative
1860515 - 05/14/2025
Professional Development

In this session, MTSS Network Leadership Teams will gather to work collaboratively in discussing ess...

Meal Counting and Claiming System
1862577 - 05/14/2025
Professional Development

This course is designed to assist personnel in child nutrition programs to effectively establish and...

Putting 3D Science into Practice
1859248 - 05/14/2025
Professional Development

Experience 3D science lessons that include scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes an...

ASCENDER End of Year Processing (Online)
Online Professional Development

This course covers the End-of-Year Student and Grade Reporting process for Elementary and Secondary ...

NGS/MSIX Quality Control (Remote Visit)
1840157 - 05/15/2025
Virtual PD

The ESC MEP contact will conduct an online annual review of the NGS/MSIX operations of the migrant-f...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830734 - 05/15/2025

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

Special Education Directors Leadership Network (Hybrid)
1830735 - 05/15/2025

Review current national, state, regional, and local information on educating students with disabilit...

AS+K About Suicide to Save a Life
1835401 - 05/15/2025
Professional Development

This training will help participants understand how to identify the signs and symptoms of a person w...

Title III, Part-A Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) (Online)
1838520 - 05/15/2025
Virtual PD

Learn about requirements under the SSA agreement and actions to successfully implement the Title II...

Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) - Virtual
1827416 - 05/15/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: This session will lead participants through the different TFAR components.

TExES Preparation: English as a Second Language Supplemental 154
1856983 - 05/16/2025
Professional Development

This session will assist teachers in preparing for the ESL TExES exam as well as providing essential...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1855892 - 05/17/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Mastering Mastery Checks - Virtual
1862169 - 05/19/2025
Virtual PD

This course is part of a series of supplemental training for participants who have completed the Rea...

ASCENDER Summer PEIMS Processing (Online)
Online Professional Development

This course covers the processing of TSDS PEIMS Summer collection 3 which includes; student attendan...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

MTSS: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices (CLRP)
1846392 - 05/21/2025
Virtual PD

Culturally and linguistically responsive practices fit within all tiers of MTSS. What does it mean t...

Federal and State Fiscal Compliance Academy (Online)
1839423 - 05/21/2025
Virtual PD

This two day academy will provide participants training in both federal and state fiscal compliance....

Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) - Virtual
1827418 - 05/21/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: This session will lead participants through the different TFAR components.

MTSS-Behavior Tier 1 Team Schoolwide Systems Training (Training Of Trainers)
1860243 - 05/23/2025
Virtual PD

This Training of Trainer (TOT) session is for district personnel who will be training MTSS-Behavior:...

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in the Early Childhood Special Education Classroom
1880993 - 05/27/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an engaging three-day professional development session designed to enhance your understa...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1832408 - 05/28/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

MTSS: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices (CLRP)
1833765 - 05/28/2025
Virtual PD

Culturally and linguistically responsive practices fit within all tiers of MTSS. What does it mean t...

Creating and Adapting Assistive Technology and Educational Resources
1855039 - 05/30/2025
Professional Development

Join us for our monthly Create & Adapt Makers Time in the Region 4 Adapted Materials Makerspace. T...

Navigating National Board Certification: Component 2 Course
Online Professional Development

This self-paced, on-demand course allows candidates to examine approaches for understanding students...

Gifted/Talented 30-Hour Foundational Online Course (including Depth and Complexity)
Online Professional Development

This online professional learning opportunity fulfills the 30-hour teacher requirement outlined in t...

Gifted/Talented 30-Hour Foundational Online Course (including Social and Emotional Needs)
Online Professional Development

This online professional learning opportunity fulfills the 30-hour teacher requirement outlined in t...

Nature and Needs of Gifted/Talented Students - Online
Online Professional Development

Gain a deep understanding of the benefits and challenges facing gifted students. Examine and analyze...

Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students Online
Online Professional Development

Review the definition of giftedness according to the state of Texas and understand how the Texas St...

Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted/Talented Students Online
Online Professional Development

Build a working knowledge of the intense feelings and sensitivities of the gifted student. Learn to ...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Models of Differentiated Instruction (Online)
Online Professional Development

Explore effective models of differentiated instruction in the classroom that address content, pacing...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Engaging Gifted Students by Adding Depth and Complexity Online
Online Professional Development

Understand the elements of depth and complexity from Dr. Sandra Kaplan's model. Evaluate several ...

G/T Curriculum and Instruction: Creative and Critical Thinking Online
Online Professional Development

Understand the components of creative and critical thinking. Learn new tools for creating challen...

Gifted/Talented District Implementation of Service Options: An Administrator’s Role - Online
Online Professional Development

Engage in activities designed to bring clarity to the definition of giftedness, the unique needs o...

A Counselor’s Guide to Supporting Gifted Students - Online
Online Professional Development

Engage in activities designed to bring clarity to the definition of giftedness, the unique needs o...

G/T Update: Tiering for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Tiering for Secondary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Learning Contracts and Agendas for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differenti...

G/T Update: Learning Contracts and Agendas for Secondary G/T Teachers – Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

G/T Update: Menus and Choice Boards for Elementary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differenti...

G/T Update: Menus and Choice Boards for Secondary G/T Teachers - Online
Online Professional Development

This 3-hour online G/T Update course will engage participants in the application of the differentiat...

MTSS Behavior: Implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
1835896 - 06/03/2025
Virtual PD

Under the MTSS umbrella, it is essential to provide positive behavioral intervention supports as wel...

Practice-Based Coaching in Early Childhood Education
1835576 - 06/03/2025
Virtual PD

Join us for an engaging workshop on Practice-Based Coaching in Early Childhood Education, designed t...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1856603 - 06/03/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

SAS: Developing and Submitting the SAS Application for Federal Funding - Virtual
1839424 - 06/03/2025
Virtual PD

Learn how to develop and submit the Standard Application System (SAS) Application for Federal Fundin...

Title III, Part A ESSA Application Training for Federal Funding - Virtual
1839425 - 06/03/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will learn about the Consolidated ESSA Application focusing on Title III, Part A. Learn...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

School Improvement Region 4 ESC Support
1878622 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

Support will be provided to school leaders to ensure highest leverage strategies are used to produce...

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Training of Trainers
1829393 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

This multi-day training of trainers is designed to help educators build professional development cap...

Evidence-Based Practices for Speech-Language Pathologists
1830339 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

Speech-Language Pathologists will learn evidence-based practices for working with students.

MTSS Mental Health: Restorative Practices
1835895 - 06/04/2025
Virtual PD

Where do restorative practices fit within MTSS? How does the use of restorative practices foster sch...

Designing High-Quality Assessments in Science
1881393 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

Learn how to design high-quality assessments that align with the rigor of the TEKS. Examine characte...

A More Perfect Union: Crafting Integrated Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Lessons in Elementary
1892025 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

Are you looking for practical ways to seamlessly integrate Reading/Language Arts (RLA) and Social St...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851406 - 06/04/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

Section 504 Summer Institute VIRTUAL
1839604 - 06/05/2025
Virtual PD

Leading experts provide Section 504 legal overview and its requirements from an academic perspective...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Mastering Mastery Checks
1864075 - 06/05/2025
Professional Development

This course is part of a series of supplemental training for participants who have completed the Rea...

Region 4 Science Institute
1881386 - 06/05/2025
Professional Development

Join us for a one-day collaborative institute to engage in hands-on experiences and examine best pra...

Ethical Standards for School Counseling (Virtual)
1879051 - 06/05/2025
Virtual PD

School Counselors are often faced with situations that require sound ethical decision-making ability...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829467 - 06/05/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1886349 - 06/06/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1892546 - 06/06/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Special Education Budget 101- Part II
1833353 - 06/06/2025
Virtual PD

This training is the second in a two-part virtual series and is designed for special education leade...

Student Learning Objectives: Student Growth Measure for T-TESS (Virtual)
1835661 - 06/09/2025
Virtual PD

This session is designed for campus leaders who will implement student learning objectives as the gr...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1886088 - 06/10/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Ethics for Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (ONLINE)
1829079 - 06/10/2025
Virtual PD

Examine ethical situations that commonly occur for individuals providing psychological services in t...

Youth Mental Health First Aid-Blended
1835538 - 06/10/2025
Virtual PD

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...

Access to the General Curriculum (AGC) Conference
1832769 - 06/10/2025
Professional Development

Join education professionals for this exciting annual conference as we explore evidence-based practi...

ASCENDER Fiscal Year End Process (Online)
Online Professional Development

This session will guide Ascender users through the process of preserving the old fiscal year and set...

Emergency Management and School Safety Leadership Network Meeting
1850624 - 06/10/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school safety and health. Identify tr...

Issues in Cultural Diversity for the LSSP (ONLINE)
1829080 - 06/10/2025
Virtual PD

Attend this session to consider and discuss current issues in cultural diversity as it relates to th...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) - Virtual
1828723 - 06/11/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: This session will lead participants through the different TFAR components.

Migrant Identification and Recruitment Update for Non-Project Districts (Online)
1840117 - 06/11/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the process required to document identification and recruitment of migrant students in migrant...

Region 4 STEM Conference
1826831 - 06/12/2025
Professional Development

Join other STEM educators for a one-day conference to explore the power of STEM as it relates to...

Getting Ready for Reading by Design- Introduction to Volume 0 (VIRTUAL)
1860493 - 06/12/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of Reading by Design intervention trainings. This course will introdu...

Tools for Testing - Virtual
1828588 - 06/12/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: Equip yourself with the tools to help navigate the state assessment program. Th...

Understanding Dating Violence
1840997 - 06/12/2025
Professional Development

Understanding Dating Violence" training equips educators, parents, and students with the knowledg...

ASCENDER Teacher Service Records - Online
Online Professional Development

This session will cover the steps required to extract, create, view and print service records for em...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1892547 - 06/13/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training-Refresher Blended Course
1839500 - 06/13/2025
Professional Development

Attend this refresher training to review program techniques, clarify questions on program informatio...

Creating and Adapting Assistive Technology and Educational Resources
1862652 - 06/13/2025
Professional Development

Join us for our monthly Create & Adapt Makers Time in the Region 4 Adapted Materials Makerspace. T...

ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover (Online)
Online Professional Development

The Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) Process initiates the preparation of files for the start of ...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1862366 - 06/16/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

MTSS: Explicit Instruction
1890854 - 06/17/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, participants will explore features of the explicit instruction framework, the impor...

Reading by Design- Delving Deeper: Foundations of Written Composition (VIRTUAL)
1860516 - 06/17/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of supplemental trainings for participants who have completed the Rea...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1861465 - 06/17/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Aspiring Deaf Education Leaders Series (Online)
1851928 - 06/17/2025
Virtual PD

In this multiday series, examine best practices that promote effective leadership in the field of de...

ASCENDER Annual Student Data Rollover (Online)
Online Professional Development

The Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) Process initiates the preparation of files for the start of ...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Blended Learning Mini-Conference
1889826 - 06/18/2025
Professional Development

This blended learning mini-conference will provide participants with practical insights and ac...

Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
1859217 - 06/18/2025
Professional Development

Texas Education Code 33.005 (2019) states that school counselors must “plan, implement, and ev...

Practical Observation and Support of Classroom Management for Administrators
1863982 - 06/18/2025
Professional Development

Administrators will review the components of evidence-based practices and strategies for the impleme...

Cultivating the Historian’s Mindset: Scaffolding Evidence-Based Thinking in Social Studies
1892028 - 06/18/2025
Professional Development

How can we equip students to think, write, and discuss like historians? During this session, we wi...

Paraprofessional: Roles and Responsibilities in the Inclusive Classroom
1855902 - 06/18/2025
Virtual PD

In this session, participants explore the roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals in the inc...

Texas School Counselor Evaluation & Support System (T-SCESS)
1859219 - 06/18/2025
Professional Development

The annual performance appraisal of school counselors should accurately reflect the unique professio...

Increasing Academic Engagement Through Opportunities to Respond (Virtual)
1881917 - 06/19/2025
Virtual PD

Are you looking for ways to increase student engagement and reduce disruptions or other problem beha...

ESC Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) Webinar Series
1841836 - 06/20/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars provided through a collaboration ...

Leadership & Empowerment, a Path to Success
1840158 - 06/21/2025
Professional Development

During this session, migrant students, out-of-school youth, and their parents will learn leadership ...

Deaf Education Administrator Leadership (DEAL) Meeting (Online)
1851904 - 06/23/2025
Virtual PD

This three-day ( virtual) meeting for deaf education administrators in Texas will focus on current p...

Advancing Educational Leadership (Virtual)
1836087 - 06/24/2025
Virtual PD

Experience Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) training developed by the Texas Education Agency (...

Science of Teaching Reading (STR) Speaker Series - From Research to Implementation
1830783 - 06/24/2025
Virtual PD

We have the research. Now what? Join us for a speaker series in which we will explore research bas...

Putting 3D Science into Practice
1881396 - 06/24/2025
Professional Development

Experience 3D science lessons that include scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes an...

Putting 3D Science into Practice
1881397 - 06/24/2025
Professional Development

Experience 3D science lessons that include scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes an...

Breaking Through the Barriers: Designing Lessons to Address Learner Variability
1881904 - 06/24/2025
Professional Development

Designing a learning experience that allows every student access and success within the curriculum...

Beyond the Word Wall: Unlocking Academic Language for Student Success.
1892036 - 06/24/2025
Professional Development

Are you struggling to effectively incorporate vocabulary learning in your daily lessons? During this...

Preschool Pyramid Model Modules - TOT
1880143 - 06/24/2025
Professional Development

The Pyramid Model Preschool Module TOT is for participants who are familiar with the Pyramid Model 6...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Putting 3D Science into Practice
1859242 - 06/25/2025
Professional Development

Experience 3D science lessons that include scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes an...

Grading and Progress Monitoring for Students with Disabilities
1881931 - 06/25/2025
Virtual PD

Grading for students with disabilities can often be a confusing for teachers and administrators. Gr...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1830806 - 06/25/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

Tools for Testing - Virtual
1828592 - 06/25/2025
Virtual PD

Session Description: Equip yourself with the tools to help navigate the state assessment program. Th...

Circle-Up: Positive and Restorative Practices for Relationship Building and Conflict Resolution Training of Trainers (TOT) In-Person
1831467 - 06/26/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an immersive training of trainers session with Circle-Up, designed to empower you to tra...

Getting Ready for Reading by Design- Introduction to Volume 0 (VIRTUAL)
1862368 - 06/26/2025
Virtual PD

This class is part of a series of Reading by Design intervention trainings. This course will introdu...

Content-Based Language Instruction (CBLI) for Teachers
1862560 - 06/26/2025
Virtual PD

Emergent bilingual (EB) students in any language program must gain content knowledge and develop lan...

Migrant Identification and Recruitment Update for Non-Project Districts
1840118 - 06/26/2025
Professional Development

Learn the process required to document identification and recruitment of migrant students in migrant...

T-TESS: Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Training
1836047 - 07/08/2025
Professional Development

This 3 day training is exclusively for those districts and charters who are participating in the 201...

Early Childhood Special Education Inclusion Conference for Preschoolers and Kindergartners with Disabilities
1601743 - 07/08/2025
Professional Development

This multi-day conference is designed to support teachers who are working with young children with d...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851407 - 07/09/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

Lunch & Learn: New Educational Diagnostician Academy
1830810 - 07/09/2025
Virtual PD

Calling all new Educational Diagnosticians! Are you in your first three years as an Educational Dagn...

Elementary Counselor Best Practices Institute
1859182 - 07/10/2025
Professional Development

The Elementary Counselor Best Practices Institute is designed to equip participants with the latest,...

Forget the Box: We are Thinking Out of This World
1846685 - 07/10/2025
Professional Development

Houston… We have a problem! Are you overwhelmed from trying to plan for the various learner...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829469 - 07/10/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

Universal Design for Learning Big Top
1846687 - 07/10/2025
Professional Development

Come one... Come all and join us under the big top to explore the Universal Design for Learning fram...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1886351 - 07/11/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Secondary Counselor Best Practices Institute
1859190 - 07/11/2025
Professional Development

Join us for an immersive and empowering experience at the Secondary School Counselor Best Practice...

ESC Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) Webinar Series
1841840 - 07/11/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars provided through a collaboration ...

T-TESS: Field Supervisors of Teaching Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Training Online) training is designed for f...

T-TESS: Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System
1836051 - 07/15/2025
Virtual PD

Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, T-TESS replaces PDAS as the Texas Education Agency's statewi...

Integrating Engineering Design in Science Instruction
1827495 - 07/15/2025
Professional Development

Engineering practices are in the new science TEKS, but what does that look like? Examine the Enginee...

Stronger Connections Grant Meeting
1877173 - 07/15/2025
Professional Development

Meeting between Region 4, Texas Center for Student Supports and Stronger Connections grantees.

Conscious Discipline in the Early Childhood Classroom
1881059 - 07/15/2025
Professional Development

Day 1: Introduction to Conscious Discipline and the School Family In this one-day introductory t...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885593 - 07/15/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

Transportation Leadership Network Meeting
1855101 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

Receive current national, state, and/or local information on school transportation. Identify trends ...

K-12 State-wide STEM Teacher Training
1827498 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

The Texas Education Agency is rolling out a three-day state-wide professional development to prepare...

Skills for Psychological Recovery
1841041 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) is an evidence-informed modular approach to help children, ...

Got Info? College and Career Readiness Resources
1859207 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

This session will allow participants the opportunity to: - explore research-based products, t...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1859310 - 07/16/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Content-Based Language Instruction in Science
1881220 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

How can science teachers effectively integrate content-based language instruction to support emerg...

Transforming Instruction: A Day and a Half Workshop to Enhance Whole Group Learning, Reading Comprehension, and Authentic Writing Skills
1881523 - 07/16/2025
Professional Development

This comprehensive workshop will address the interconnectedness of reading and writing. We will ex...

Teaching with Impact: A Best Practices Summit for Social Studies
1889218 - 07/17/2025
Professional Development

Are you looking for ways to build your capacity as a social studies educator and discover ways to un...

Creating and Adapting Assistive Technology and Educational Resources
1891936 - 07/18/2025
Professional Development

Join us for our monthly Create & Adapt Makers Time in the Region 4 Adapted Materials Makerspace. T...

Empowering Educators with the Pyramid Model Framework
1889550 - 07/21/2025
Professional Development

This professional development series provides educators with the tools and strategies to implement T...

Signing Exact English (SEE) Skillshop
1820002 - 07/22/2025
Professional Development

This week-long workshop for adult learners is designed to meet the needs of beginning as well as adv...

Youth Mental Health First Aid-Blended
1835540 - 07/22/2025
Virtual PD

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, sc...

Data in School Counseling
1859206 - 07/22/2025
Professional Development

This session will give participants the opportunity to learn how to use data to develop, implement a...

Using High-Leverage Practices to Increase Academic Engagement of Diverse Learners
1881876 - 07/22/2025
Virtual PD

Is your classroom full of variability with diverse students who need differentiated supports? Then...

Learn How to Become a Teacher: Information Session - Online
Online Professional Development

Capture one of the best ways for prospective candidates to explore Texas teacher certification and g...

A More Perfect Union: Crafting Integrated Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Lessons in Elementary
1877081 - 07/23/2025
Professional Development

Are you looking for practical ways to seamlessly integrate Reading/Language Arts (RLA) and Social St...

TSDS/PEIMS - Working Session
1851424 - 07/23/2025
Professional Development

This working session provides an opportunity to receive direct support from Region 4 TSDS/PEIMS staf...

T-PESS: Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (Online)
1836088 - 07/24/2025
Professional Development

This 1 day training is for staff from districts and charters who will be utilizing the T-PESS model ...

Putting the Instruction in Specially Designed Instruction
1816763 - 07/24/2025
Virtual PD

The core of special education is the specially designed instruction (SDI) a student receives. Partic...

The Purposeful Principal and Counselor Partnership
1859201 - 07/24/2025
Professional Development

When school counselors and administrators work together, the school itself and the students reap the...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1875713 - 07/24/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Putting 3D Science into Practice
1881008 - 07/24/2025
Professional Development

Experience 3D science lessons that include scientific and engineering practices, recurring themes an...

Yes...Everyone's OK! But Who's Taking Care Of You? Self-Care For School Counselors
1859203 - 07/25/2025
Professional Development

Self-care for counselors and educators is critical for survival in the challenging, detail-oriented,...

T-TESS: Coaching Training For Field Supervisors of Advanced Program Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Online) training is designed for field su...

Child Nutrition Summer Workshop
1672107 - 07/29/2025

Join fellow child nutrition professionals to attend training sessions related to managing compliant...

T-TESS: Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System
1835653 - 07/29/2025
Virtual PD

Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, T-TESS replaces PDAS as the Texas Education Agency's statewi...

Lesson Internalization Content Support for Social Studies
1892039 - 07/29/2025
Professional Development

How do we turn high-quality instructional materials into powerful learning experiences for every stu...

Completing the Consolidated ESSA Compliance Report (Online)
1839426 - 07/29/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will learn how to complete and submit the Consolidated ESSA Compliance Report for fede...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885594 - 07/29/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885595 - 07/29/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Aligned! 2025: From Child Find to IEP Implementation [VIRTUAL]
1879187 - 07/30/2025
Virtual PD

Join education professionals from across the state for this exciting virtual conference as we explor...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885596 - 07/30/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885597 - 07/30/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Content-Based Language Instruction in Social Studies
1892041 - 07/31/2025
Professional Development

How can social studies teachers effectively integrate content-based language instruction to support ...

Migrant Identification and Recruitment Update for Non-Project Districts (Online)
1840122 - 07/31/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the process required to document identification and recruitment of migrant students in migrant...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885598 - 07/31/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885599 - 07/31/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) (Virtual)
1836089 - 08/05/2025
Virtual PD

Beginning with the 2016-17 school year, T-TESS replaces PDAS as the Texas Education Agency's statewi...

Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
1859216 - 08/05/2025
Professional Development

Texas Education Code 33.005 (2019) states that school counselors must “plan, implement, and ev...

Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Community of Practice (CoP)
1869689 - 08/05/2025
Virtual PD

The Region 4 Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Community of Practice (CoP) provides districts with ...

PEIMS - TSDS/PEIMS Hot Topics-Webinar
1851408 - 08/06/2025
Professional Development

A review of the current topics covering TSDS and PEIMS Submissions and other related topics impacti...

T-TESS: Field Supervisors of Teaching Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Training Online) training is designed for f...

ASCENDER Fiscal Year End Process (Online)
Online Professional Development

This session will guide Ascender users through the process of preserving the old fiscal year and set...

Optimal Approaches for Evaluation Personnel Monthly Webinar Series
1829470 - 08/07/2025
Virtual PD

- This interactive webinar is a part of a series of webinars designed to support special educa...

MTSS-Behavior District Advancement Initiative Networking Meeting (Virtual)
1860348 - 08/08/2025
Virtual PD

District/charter MTSS-Behavior coordinators/leaders meet quarterly to network with other districts e...

T-TESS: Coaching Training For Field Supervisors of Advanced Program Candidates
Online Professional Development

This T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Online) training is designed for field su...

Advancing Educational Leadership (Virtual)
1835654 - 08/12/2025
Virtual PD

Experience Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) training developed by the Texas Education Agency (...

Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) (Online)
1841039 - 08/12/2025
Virtual PD

Psychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S) is an evidence-informed intervention model to assist stu...

Effective Advising Framework (EAF)
1885600 - 08/12/2025
Professional Development

Effective Advising should begin in elementary grades and continue throughout middle school, high sch...

Migrant Education Program Requirements and Updates (Online)
1840123 - 08/14/2025
Virtual PD

Participants will discuss Migrant Education Program (MEP) requirements and updates as designated by ...

Reading by Design: Delving Deeper - Mastering Mastery Checks - Virtual
1881401 - 08/19/2025
Virtual PD

This course is part of a series of supplemental training for participants who have completed the Rea...

Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) Overview
1838588 - 08/26/2025
Virtual PD

In Texas, a student who has failed the End-of-Course (EOC) assessment graduation requirements for no...

T-PESS: Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (Online)
1836090 - 08/28/2025
Professional Development

This 1 day training is for staff from districts and charters who will be utilizing the T-PESS model ...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1891526 - 08/30/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Navigating National Board Certification: Component 1 Course
Online Professional Development

This self-paced, on demand course provides candidates with an opportunity to gain an understanding o...

Dyslexia Intervention Fundamentals with Reading by Design (Virtual)
1891484 - 09/03/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the fundamentals of dyslexia intervention through a review of Texas dyslexia laws and current ...

Migrant Identification and Recruitment Update for Non-Project Districts (Online)
1840125 - 09/17/2025
Virtual PD

Learn the process required to document identification and recruitment of migrant students in migrant...

MTSS: Using Progress Monitoring Data to Inform Decision Making
1891697 - 09/30/2025
Virtual PD

How are you processing your progress monitoring data to make critical decisions about student interv...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1891530 - 10/03/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1891527 - 10/25/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Region 4 Science Conference
1866704 - 10/28/2025
Professional Development

Join other educators for a one-day science conference to explore 3D teaching and learning. Participa...

Emergency Management and School Safety Expo
1866553 - 10/30/2025
Professional Development

The Expo will offer targeted and timely instructional tracks designed to equip you with additional s...

Region 4 Social Studies Conference
1889224 - 12/03/2025
Professional Development

Join other social studies professionals in this one-day conference exploring general, grade level, a...

Region 4 Dyslexia Conference (HYBRID)
1758015 - 12/04/2025

This annual conference, to be held virtually and face-to-face, features various sessions in relation...

Region 4 Dyslexia Conference (HYBRID)
1886030 - 12/04/2025

This annual conference, to be held virtually and face-to-face, features various sessions in relation...

Bus Driver Training - Recertification
1891529 - 12/06/2025
Professional Development

Participate in the eight-hour refresher-training course to maintain current driver skills and meet t...

Bus Driver Training - Initial Certification
1891531 - 01/16/2026
Professional Development

Participate in the initial safety-training course to become a certified Texas school bus driver. Del...

MTSS: Using Progress Monitoring Data to Inform Decision Making
1891698 - 01/29/2026
Virtual PD

How are you processing your progress monitoring data to make critical decisions about student interv...

Region 4 MTSS Conference
1891701 - 03/26/2026
Professional Development

Is your MTSS team dedicated to fostering the holistic development of students, encompassing academic...

MTSS-Behavior District Advancement Initiative Overview (Virtual)
1860280 - 03/27/2026
Virtual PD

Join us to hear how to design and improve district level Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for B...

Emergency Management and School Safety Expo
1880743 - 10/29/2026
Professional Development

The Expo will offer targeted and timely instructional tracks designed to equip you with additional s...

Region 4 Dyslexia Conference (HYBRID)
1886089 - 12/03/2026

This annual conference, to be held virtually and face-to-face, features various sessions in relation...

Region 4 Dyslexia Conference (HYBRID)
1886093 - 12/02/2027

This annual conference, to be held virtually and face-to-face, features various sessions in relation...

Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096
713.462.7708 | PHONE
Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in August of 2024

Region 4 Education Service Center
7145 West Tidwell Road Houston, Texas 77092-2096                                                        
713.462.7708 | PHONE

Region 4 is making improvements to the McKinney Conference Center and will invite guests to experience the difference in August of 2024